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The features of agricultural activity in West Africa 
The importance of agriculture to Ghana's economy 
Solutions to the problems of agriculture in West Africa
The causes of low productivity in Sierra Leone
Factors that affect agricultural production in Ghana 
Problems that cause low productivity in agricultural production 
The causes of low agricultural output in Liberia 
Why The Gambia is not able to produce enough agricultural products 
The cause of low agricultural productivity in Nigeria 
Solutions to the problems of agriculture in English speaking West Africa 

Subsistence farming
The features of subsistence farming 
The advantages of subsistence farming
The disadvantages of subsistence farming 

Commercial farming
The features of commercial farming 
The advantages of commercial farming 
The disadvantages of commercial farming

Co-operative farming
The features of a co-operative farming
The advantages of co-operative farming 
The problems associated with co-operative farming 

State farms
The features of state farms 
The advantages of state farms 
Disadvantages of state farms 

Marketing of agricultural products
The functions of marketing or commodity boards 
The challenges of marketing boards 

Location of industries
The importance of industrialization to economic development 
The factors that determine the location of industries 

Localization of industries
The factors that influence the localization of industries 
The advantages of localization of industries 
The disadvantages of the localization of industries 

Problems of industrialization
The problems of industrialization in the Gambia 
The problems of industrialization in Sierra Leone
The problems of industrialization in Liberia
The problems of industrialization in Nigeria
The problems of industrialization in Ghana

The definition and features of money 
The definition and functions of money 
The historical development of money in Ghana 
The historical development of money in Nigeria. 
The historical development of money in The Gambia 
The historical development of money in Sierra Leone 
The historical development of money in Liberia 

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