Posted by Chester Morton / Sunday, 6 May 2018 / No comments
The main features of capitalism

Capitalism is an economic, political and social system which
is practiced in many countries of today. Some of the countries where this system
is practiced include, but is not limited to, the United States of America,
Britain, France and Germany. In this system, the means of
production and distribution of goods and services are in the hands of private
individuals. The main motivation of the players in this system is to make
Private ownership
In a capitalist system, those who own the means of
production, those who distribute the goods and those who engage in the business
of the exchange of goods and services are private individuals. Mostly, these
are relatively few and they are referred to as the capitalists.
Highly competitive
Another feature of a capitalist system is the presence of
competitive spirit among the various players within industries. Each investor
is interested in taking a fair share of the economic advantage that is
Very little government participation
In a capitalist system, the government concentrates on the
provision of the enabling environment that makes it possible for the capitalist
to easily operate. The government provides infrastructure such as constant
electricity, good and durable roads and generally provide the regulatory environment
for business people to function.
Market forces determine price
The little or no direct participation of government in a
capitalist system encourages the determination of the prices of goods and
services by the forces of the demand and supply. The producer decides when he
wants to flood the market with goods and when to hold on. This way, he or she
can get the best price for his or her goods or services.
Ability to adapt to change
Over the many years within which capitalism has operated, new
technologies have emerged and even newer ways of doing the old things have been
developed. One of the hallmarks of the system is its ability to adapt to the changes
that come. Old factories have been retooled, reshaped and generally modernized
to embrace new trends and be abreast with the times.
Production is determined by consumer behavior
In a capitalist system, businesses do not just produce; they
produce based on the taste and the needs of the consumers. This is especially
so because when goods that are not consumed, then there is a loss. The capitalist,
whose sole aim is profit, would research into consumer preferences to determine
what he or she produces and at what time. For example, one cannot produce
winter clothing in summer.
1. What are the main characteristics of capitalism?
2. Highlight six features of capitalism
The advantages of a capitalist economy
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