Posted by Chester Morton / Saturday, 19 May 2018 / No comments
The different forms of tourism

Definition of tourism
One of the most used definitions for tourism is the one by
the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO defines tourism as “…the activities
of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment
for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes
not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place
Another definition by Mathieson and Wall, 1982, is also worth
nothing. They wrote in 1982 that tourism is “The temporary movement of people
to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the
activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the
facilities created to cater to their needs.”
From the above, one can define tourism as the non-permanent
movement of a person from his or her place of abode to another place for
purposes not limited to business, leisure and pleasure but not receiving any
monetary compensation for it in the destination country. It includes staying in
places provided by others for free or paid for and using facilities created for
the benefit of making life easy during their stay.
This refers to non-residents of one country vising a
different country. An example of incoming tourism is a national of the United
Kingdom visiting Nigeria. This is very common where people from Europe leave
their country during the summer, for example, to visit countries in Asia and
Out-coming /outbound
This refers to the situation where residents of a country
move out to visit a different country. An example of out-coming tourism is a
Nigerian moving from his country to visit the United Kingdom. There are several
people moving in this direction just to go on holidays or to acquire knowledge
in universities and other tertiary institutions in Europe and America.
International tourism
International tourism refers to the situation where one moves
from his or her country to another country for purposes not limited to
business, leisure and pleasure. It includes staying in places provided by
others for free or paid for and using facilities created for the benefit of
making life easy during their stay.
Domestic tourism
Domestic tourism can be defined as the non-permanent movement
of a person from his or her place of abode to another place, within the same
country, for purposes not limited to business, leisure and pleasure. It
includes staying in places provided by others for free or paid for and using
facilities created for the benefit of making life easy during their stay.

Long haul or short haul
This term is associated with the travel industry especially
air travel. It is linked to the distance that has to be covered before a
journey is complete. Air travel can run between one hour and up to more than twelve
hours. A short haul flight is mostly below three hours. We also have medium
haul flights, these ones take between three and six hours. Then there are long
haul flights which are expected to last for between six and twelve hours. Any
flight that lasts for more than twelve hours is referred to as ultra-long haul
Business tourism
Business tourism is another aspect of the tourism sector. In
this situation, though the tourist is travelling, he is still working at the
same time. He attends to business issues even while away from his office and
from home and family. At the place visited, he or she could be attending
meetings on behalf of his company, or attending to business back at home with
the use of the internet and other mediums of communication like the telephone.
Ecotourism is captured in many different ways. It could, for
example, be referred to as environmental tourism or sustainable tourism. In
whatever way it is referred to, the fundamental thing is to engage in travel in
such a way that the environment does not suffer in any way or gets degraded.
Ecotourism attempts to conserve nature and leaves it as it was found or very
close to how it was found.
Cultural tourism
Cultural tourism is “movements of persons for essentially
cultural motivations such as study tours, performing arts and cultural tours,
travel to festivals and other cultural events, visits to sites and monuments,
travel to study nature, folklore or art, and pilgrimages.” This is according to
the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Other people, however, refer to
the involvement of tourists in the cultural activities of local people such as
festivals, traditional rituals and carnivals as cultural tourism. For example,
if a visitor to Nigeria participates in the activities celebrating Yam Festival
in a community, he or she is involved in cultural tourism.
Religious/mistrial tourism
Religious tourism today is a growing area of tourism. Also
referred to as mistrial tourism, people travel to other parts of the world or
inside their own country on pilgrimage, some too engage in religious tourism
when they go on missions to promote and spread their brand of religion. There
are religious movements that organize camp meetings to teach or to train
members. Pastors move from one country to the other to participate in annual
international religious programmes. Muslims go to Mecca on pilgrimage every
year as directed by the Koran.
Sports tourism
Sports tourism is a growing area of tourism now estimated to be
worth billions of dollars. Basically, people involved in sports tourism travel
from their hometowns or home countries to either participate in a sporting
event or just spectate. For example, during FIFA sanctioned tournaments,
participating countries transport their citizens to the venue to watch the
matches live. In a few weeks, starting June 2018, Russia will play host to the
world in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Several visitors are going to throng to
Moscow and other hosting cities to watch the matches and have a lot of fun.
This is sports tourism.
1. Highlight six forms of tourism
Types of tourism
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