Posted by Chester Morton / Monday, 7 May 2018 / No comments
The characteristics of socialism

Socialism is a political and economic system. Unlike
capitalism, the means of production and distribution of goods and services are
controlled by the people through representatives. The proceeds from the
management of the economy is shared among the people on the basis of equality.
This type of polico-economic system is practiced in Russia, China and North
Korea, to mention but a few.
There is a collective ownership of resources
One of the main features of a socialist economy is that all
the means of production and the distribution of goods and services are owned
and operated by the state in the interest of the society as a whole. There are
individuals at the helm of affairs who manage production and distribution on
behalf of the people. This is unlike capitalism where same is owned by private
State control
Another feature of socialism is that the planning and
general direction of the economy is in the hands of the state. Every economic
decision emanates from the central government. In the former Soviet Union for
example, the economy was planned from Moscow. In present day Russia, the
Kremlin is in charge of most economic decisions.
The focus is not on profit
In a socialist economic system, the main focus is not to
make profit. The main focus is on how to satisfy the needs of the citizens in
general. The resources that are generated through the operations of the economy
are allocated in a manner that is equitable to all and sundry.
Price control
The socialist system does not allow the forces of demand and
supply to determine the prices of goods and services. The prices are determined
in a way that makes the goods and services affordable for every citizen. In
other words, the prices of goods and services are determined by the state.
Long-term planning
It is a feature of socialist economies to design long-term
plans to achieve specific national goals. There could be for example, a
twenty-year national plan to direct the country toward the achievement of particular
goals. These plans become the blue-print to be followed and state activities
are directed based on the blue-print.
Only one party exists
In a socialist state, only one party is allowed to operate. The
leaders are mostly strong and try to or manage to stay in power for a very long
time. Most dissenting views are silenced and the state spews out what it wants
people and the world to hear.
1. What are the main characteristics of socialism?
2. a. What is socialism?
b. Highlight six
features of socialism.
The main features of capitalism
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