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The outcome of exercising the managerial function of organizing

Defining Organizing
Organizing is both a process and function of management. It aims to determine and define which role each individual in the organization will play towards the attainment of the firm’s objective. In doing so, the organizing function of management establishes authority- responsibility relationships among employees; and makes provision for co-ordination in the company so that the firm is able to function as a unit.

Three things one must note as important outcome of the organizing process.

The organization is the result of the organizing process
In carrying out the process of organizing, the firm’s organizational structure will emerge. In reality, if we consider organizing as the managerial process, the organization or the organizational structure will be the outcome.

Proper Co-ordination is important for the organization to work properly.
Management must ensure that in designing the organizational structure through the process of organizing, they plan and make provision for proper co-ordination throughout the organization or the firm. This is because without co-ordination the firm would be incapable of functioning effectively and efficiently.

The right balance between centralization and decentralization must be sought
Management must be able to settle the issue of which of how much power will be centralized or at which level to allow for some decentralization within the firm. As a matter of fact, if this problem is not addressed at least in the beginning of creating the organization, future dysfunctions cannot be avoided. It is very necessary that while delegation of authority is an important aspect of organizing, how much authority is delegated to whom, must be decided very early in the firm’s operation. The company’s management must decide whether to grant more authority to departmental managers, or to grant operational heads with more power to make decisions.

For an organization to function properly certain principles must be followed. These principles can be categorized under overall or general principles, structural principles and operational principles. Under each principle, there are a set of sub-principles. This article will be dedicated to explaining “overall principles”:

Overall or general principles specify those principles which are very fundamental and absolutely essential for the firm to function effectively and in a harmonious manner. Overall Principles include the following:

Principle of unity of objective or unity of purpose
In very simple terms this principle demands that individuals or each member of the personnel must have objectives or goals which are in perfect harmony with those of the department he/she works in. For example, the career goals of the personnel must support and be supported by the departmental objective.

The Principle of simplicity
The principle of simplicity requires that management must create the simplest organizational structure possible. The simpler the structure the easier it is for personnel to understand superior -subordinate relationships and the better the co-operation of personnel in ensuring the business functions properly.

The Principle of flexibility
In designing the structure of the organization, management must make sure there are in-built mechanisms which can allow the firm to be flexible and agile. This would make it easier for the company to adapt when changes occur in the external and internal business environment of the firm.

The steps involved in organizing
The levels of management decision

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