Posted by Chester Morton / Friday, 23 June 2017 / No comments
The functions, powers and limitations of the Governor-General under the 1957 independent constitution of Ghana

On the 6th of March 1957, Ghana became the
first country south of the Sahara to attain political independence from their
colonial masters, the British. This independence came along with a constitution
which was to guide the conduct of the affairs of the new nation. The
constitution made provision for the position of a Governor-General. The
Governor-General was appointed by the Monarch in London but this was mostly
under the recommendations of the British Cabinet. The Governor-General
represented the British Monarch in Ghana and carried out functions that would
otherwise have been performed by the Queen.
As a ceremonial head
The Governor-General was the Head of State so he
performed the functions that would otherwise ....have been performed by the queen
of England if she was resident in Ghana. The Governor-General carried out
ceremonial functions such as the receipt of foreign dignitaries, attendance of
national parades etc.
Assent to Bills
It was the duty of the Governor-General to give his
assent to bills emanating from the National Assembly before they could become
effective. Without the Governor-General’s assent, the law could not be
Appointment of the Prime Minister
Another function of the Governor-General under the independent
constitution of Ghana was to appoint the Prime Minister. After each general
election, the leader of the party that emerged victorious at the polls and
obtained majority seats in the National Assembly was appointed by the
Governor-General as the Prime Minister.
Appointment of Ministers of State
Another responsibility of the Governor-General was to
appoint Ministers of State. These appointments were mainly under the
recommendations of the Prime Minister.
Prerogative of Mercy
The Governor-General exercised the power of prerogative
of mercy. In other words, he had the power to set a convicted prisoner free or
commute his/her death sentence to life imprisonment on grounds such as
compassion. Every year, a list of names was generated by the then Prisons
Service of people who qualified to be pardoned by the Governor-General under
his prerogative powers.
The Governor-General was the Commander-in-Chief of the
armed forces of Ghana. He was the only person who could deploy troops to any
part of the country and even outside the territorial jurisdictions of the
Control by
the Constitution
Though the Governor-General was the Head of State and
was granted powers under the new constitution, he was guided by the dictates of
the constitution. He could not take any action that was in violation of the
constitution. The constitution was therefore a major limitation to the powers
and functions of the Governor-General.
Recommendations of the Prime Minister
The constitution made provisions for the
Governor-General to act on the recommendations of the Prime Minister, for
example, in the appointment of Ministers of State and Justices of the Appeal
Court. He was therefore limited because he acted on the advice of another
The Local Press
The Local press was also a limiting factor for the
Governor-General. By the time of independence, the Ghanaian News Stands were
replete with very vocal Newspapers that did not spare any opportunity to
express their views on matters of national importance. The Governor-General was
therefore kept at bay by the fear of being criticized in the newspapers.
Public Opinion
The Governor-General was guided by Public Opinion both
in the Local Press, in Ghana and in the British Press in the Metropolitan
capital. In other words, the opinions that were shaped, in the Ghanaian and
British Press could influenced the Governor-General as to which actions to
1.Highlight six functions of the Governor-General
under the independence constitution of Ghana.
2. a. Discuss three of the functions performed by the
Governor-General as prescribed under the 1957 independence constitution of
b. In which
three ways were the powers of the Governor-General limited under the
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