Posted by Chester Morton / Monday, 12 December 2016 / No comments
The merits of universal adult suffrage

Definition of universal adult suffrage
Suffrage can be defined as the opportunity given to citizens to cast a ballot to elect people who offer themselves for political office through parliament or the executive.
A distinction is made between limited suffrage and universal suffrage. A limited suffrage refers to limitations set in the legal instruments where only some categories of people can vote based on their race, religious persuasion, age, sex, wealth, mental status and any others. The universal suffrage on the other hand does not set any limitations to the types of people who can vote in an election.
It ensures equity
One of the merits of universal adult suffrage is the fact
that it ensures equity. As a human being residing in or outside your country,
it allows for people to participate in the choice of who represents them in
the running of the affairs of the state.
It is democratic
Another merit of universal suffrage is that it is democratic.
One of the tenets of democracy is that everybody must be allowed to vote in an
election. This has produced the slogan ‘one man one vote’. Since the slogan is embedded
in the concept of universal adult suffrage, one can safely argue that universal
adult suffrage is democratic.
Protects minority interests
Universal adult suffrage also protects the interest of the
minority group in a country. This is so because they are given the opportunity
to elect the one to represent their interests either in parliament or in the
executive arm of the government.
Ensures national cohesion
Universal adult suffrage is reputed to be an instrument that
enhances national cohesion. This is because it does not matter which religion
one professes, ethnic group one belongs to, the language one speaks, the size
of one’s bank balance among others, everybody is allowed to cast one vote. This
way such differences as religion, ethnicity, language, etc are buried and
national integration is promoted.
Ensures accountability
In every type of western democracy, there are periodic
elections where the electorates have the power to determine who continues to
rule them. The elected officials also know that if they do not satisfy the
needs of the people they rule, come the next election they could be voted out
of power. This makes them accountable to the people to ensure that they are
retained at the polls.
Allows for participation
The practice of universal adult suffrage allows the ordinary
person in the streets to participate in the electoral process of their country. The size of a country’s population today does not allow the people to
directly participate in government as it used to be in the Ancient Greek
city-states. That is why indirect democracy is being practiced. One of the ways
in which the people participate in this type of democracy is by exercising
their franchise.
1. a. What is universal adult suffrage?
b. Highlight five advantages
of universal adult suffrage.
2. Highlight six advantages of universal adult suffrage.
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