Posted by Chester Morton / Saturday, 12 November 2016 / No comments
Why Indirect Rule failed in Southern Nigeria

Indirect Rule is the system of government in
which the traditional structures of the local people were employed in the
administration of the British overseas territories in West Africa. The
architect of the system, in West Africa, was Lord Frederick Lugard. He first
experimented with the system in Northern Nigeria and when it was successful, it was replicated in
other parts of British West Africa.
Several factors contributed to the failure of
indirect rule in southern Nigeria.
Absence of traditional system of taxation
Indirect rule was successful in areas where the
people were used to the payment of tax to the traditional authorities. Until the
introduction of indirect rule, the people of southern Nigeria were alien to
taxation. Therefore, when it was introduced by the British they vehemently
opposed it and once there was not enough money in the coffers of the colonial
officials, the policy was bound to meet some challenges.
System not suitable for southern Nigeria
The traditional administrative structure that existed
in southern Nigeria was not suited to the policy of indirect rule. It is true
that the traditional political structure was well organized but the people were
not used to an Oba or chief wielding enormous powers. The Oba was just a first among
equals but the British colonial masters conferred so much powers on the Oba
against traditional norms and this led to failure.
Presence of educated elite in southern Nigeria
There were a lot of educated elite, resident in
southern Nigeria who constantly kept the British officials on their toes. These
educated elite, some of whom were lawyers and journalists, were
British-trained. They opposed the policies of the British if it was found to be
detrimental to the interest of the local people. That is why the indirect rule
did not succeed in southern Nigeria.

In southern Nigeria, especially among the Ibos, there
were no chiefs with absolute powers as it pertained in northern Nigeria. Chiefs
in Iboland ruled with a Council of Elders. The Council sat and discussed issues
of importance. At the end of the deliberations, the chief took a decision based on
the discussion that was held.
Appointment of Warrant Chiefs
Where the British could not find any chief to
play the role of a central figure, they themselves appointed any local person.
Usually these were people who were amenable by the British. These Warrant
chiefs were clothed with wide powers which were alien to the traditional
political setting. Hence, the people refused to cooperate for indirect rule to thrive.
Non participation of educated elite
The educated elite were sidelined in the workings
of the policy of indirect rule. Apart from that the system gave enormous powers
to the chiefs, to the detriment of the educated elite. On top of that the British
colonial officers tried to trample upon the interests of the educated elite
and sort of suppress them. The educated elite reacted by opposing the chiefs. This
created conflicts between the chiefs and the educated elite and hampered the smooth operations of indirect rule in Southern Nigeria.
1. Give six reasons for the failure of indirect
rule in southern Nigeria.
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