Posted by Chester Morton / Friday, 1 April 2016 / No comments
The benefits students derive from the study of History

Source of Inspiration
The study of history acts as a source of inspiration to
individuals who may like to pursue objectives that can be beneficial to
society. The study inspires individuals and the nation at large to uphold
values such as patriotism, truthfulness, objectivity, and fairness.
Awareness of Ancient Mistakes
Studying history makes people aware of the mistakes that
were made in the past in relation to life, and taking steps to avoid committing
those same mistakes. Students of history receive guidance from mistakes of the
past and prepare to avoid them.
Sheer Pleasure
The study of history is sometimes just for the pleasure and
excitement that comes from knowing his/her history and the history of other
people. In a certain sense, it also satisfies the curiosity of students.
Identification of Culture
The study of history is important because it helps in the
identification of culture and its heritage, and to make attempts to build upon
Emulating the Achievements of Predecessors
By studying history, the younger generation is able to
learn through the examples of others who precede them. The level of dedication
and commitment displayed by heroes and heroines like Yaa Asantewaa of Ghana is
worthy of emulation by the present generation of people.
Builds National Unity
Studying history helps in the building of a sense of
national unity integration of society. History teaches that a nation is made up
of one nation, one people with one destiny.
Appreciation of Traditions
The students who study history are able to appreciate the
cultures and traditions of others who live in geographical areas close to their
location and even beyond.
1. Show the six ways in which the study of history can be
beneficial to mankind.
2. In which six ways is the study of history beneficial to
the students of history?
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