Posted by Chester Morton / Wednesday, 6 April 2016 / No comments
The advantages and disadvantages of a Republican system of Government

republican system of government is that system in which the sovereignty of the
state resides in the people who exercise their franchise to
elect officials to represent them and act on their behalf.
Examples of countries that practice the Republican system of government include The United States, France, and Ghana.
It is
means that everything that is done within the state, is done according to the
tenets of the constitution. No official of state can violate the rights of the
citizen of the state, for example.
It is
In a
Republican system, office holders are elected directly by the people
themselves. They, therefore, represent their constituencies and are expected to
take decisions that inure to the benefit of the people they represent.
It is
In a
republican system, people do not just come into the possession of political
authority. Political authority is conferred on them through an election. Any form
of government in which the rulers have to be elected into office in a general
election is deemed to be democratic.
Power in the hands of the people
In a
Republic, ultimate power resides with the people. However, the people, from
time to time, relinquish that power to a group of people they call leaders, to
exercise on their behalf for a specific number of years. At the end of that
period, the people decide whether such a group of people should be given the
power again or another group of leaders should take over.
The leader is not imposed
The Head
of State in a republic is not imposed upon the people. The electorates do not
wake up one day and realize that a new person is their leader without their say
so. The people are responsible for putting a leader there or effecting a change
of leadership all by themselves in a general election.
Law and
are directly elected to represent the constituents in Parliament. These
representatives make laws to govern the land. There are also elected officials
who form the executive arm of the government. Such officials enforce the laws
that are passed by the Parliamentarians. So there is law and order.
Citizens are protected
With law
and order operating in the republican system, the rights, and liberties of the
citizens are protected. In fact, the laws are specifically designed to achieve
the protection of individuals living within the borders of the state.

to operate
In a
republican system, all the people cannot directly rule the country as in the
early days of democracy. Some people must of necessity be elected to rule on
behalf of the others. Elections are therefore a means by which can be expensive
ventures that require a lot of resources. This is especially so in poorer
countries of the world where republicanism operates.
It is
Laws made
in Parliament, must pass through certain laid down processes without which it
could not become law. The executive cannot formulate and start to
implement policies that are inimical to the welfare of the people. Conforming
to the dictates of the constitution can, therefore, be time-consuming.
It can be
In a
Republic, there are many political parties contending for the control of the
higher echelons of political power. This can sometimes degenerate into serious
contentions where they jostle each other to gain political advantage.
politicians have parochial interests
Though some
politicians contest elections pretending they were representing their
constituencies, in the real sense, they are only representing their own
personal interest and neglect the interests of the people who elected them
into office.
to be deceitful
In Africa
where the level of education is generally low, the politicians may deceive
the mass of the people with sugar-coated words just to win power. The
people are not able to analyze the real situation on the ground and come
to their own personal conclusions.
may be manipulated
The arms
of some politicians can be twisted by some powerful people
behind the scene. Having been so manipulated, the politicians no longer
serve the interests of the people that elected them but rather the interest of
those powerful interest groups.
1. a. What a republican
system of government? [2 marks]
Explain five advantages of a republican system of government. [10 marks]
2. a What is a republican
system of government? [2 marks]
Explain five disadvantages of a republican system of government. [10 marks]
3. Highlight six advantages
of a republican system of government. [12 marks]
4. Highlight six
disadvantages of a republican system of government. [12 marks]
5. Highlight three advantages
and three disadvantages of a republican system of government. [12 marks]<<Back to Home Page
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