The study of West African Traditional Religion
According to Mbiti, the traditional African is notoriously religious.
What he is trying to say is that in every aspect of his life, the traditional African
has some attributes towards religion. It permeates every part of his life.
To do good or to do bad, depends on how the African views his
religion. It instills in him a certain form of fear to gear away from evil and
hope for the best ahead.
Today, in the midst of a plethora of regions and the fanfare
associated with them, the African seems to have separated himself from religion.
In the lives of many West Africans, traditional religion is still
a part of their vital lives. For this reason, anybody who neglects his/her
religion may have to contend with other foreign religious beliefs and practices
flooding their space.
According to the West African Examination Council syllabus,
the general aim of studying West Traditional Religion is first to appreciate
the traditional religious beliefs and practices and their impact on the lives
of the people, secondly to deal effectively with the challenges that face West
Africans in utilizing acceptable traditional moral ideas and principles in
their lives, thirdly, to adopt ways for applying African traditional moral
principles in their daily lives and finally, to appreciate the major
traditional religious factors that influence the political, social and economic
life of West Africans.
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