Posted by Chester Morton / Saturday, 24 November 2018 / No comments
How a “Hyena’ infects girls with HIV in the name of an age old tradition

By a Kollage News Staff Writer
The people of a small community in Malawi are proud of their
tradition because that is what has been practiced by their forefathers over the
According to this unique tradition, when girls in that
community become of age, they need to go through a rite of passage to ushers
them into adulthood. As part of the final initiation rites of the initiation,
the girls, now to become women; must go through a sexual act with a
professional called “hyena” by the locals.
A girl spends the night with the hyena and it is
traditionally expected that the girl would have had her first sexual encounter
by the next day. This first sexual encounter is not free. The girl’s parents must
pay the hyena for his services.
The community believes that when the matured girl does not go
through this initiation rite, her parents would die or something untoward would
happen to the parents or members of her family. The fear of this calamity
compels parents to force their girl children to go through the rites.

A BBC programme monitored by Kollage News indicates that over
the years, this practice has become detrimental to the health of the girls. The
sexual act is performed without the use of protection and this exposes the
girls to every type of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.
One of the “hyenas” has confessed to BBC in an interview that
he is HIV positive. This hyena, called Eric has a wife and a child. Though he
has been aware of his positive HIV status, he still continues to perform the
duties of a hyena. According to Eric, because he is now HIV positive, he does
not engage in the practice as often as he used to. He said the reason why he
continues to perform as a hyena is because he needs the money. Asked if he had
informed the parents that he was HIV positive, Eric answered in the negative.

Some of the girls interviewed, who were as young as twelve at
the time of their first sexual encounter with “hyenas”, confessed that they
were afraid their parents would die if they did not go through the ritual.
It is true that parents who engaged or continue to engage the
services of Eric, or others like him risk getting their daughters infected with
the HIV virus. How does this affect the future of the girls? How does it affect
their education and health?
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