Posted by Chester Morton / Monday, 8 October 2018 / No comments
The disadvantages of a two-party system of government

A two-party system is the type in which only two parties are allowed by law to operate as political parties. In other cases however, the law allows others to also operate by the others are overshadowed by activities of the two major parties to the point where it looks as if only two parties are in the country.
Entrenchment of one political tradition
One of the disadvantages that countries practicing a
two-party system face is that there is the fear that one political tradition
may dominate the political landscape for a very long time. If this happens, it
leaves no room at all for the other political tradition to come to power though the idea is to let them alternate in a competitive manner.
Could degenerate into political instability
Another disadvantage of a two-party system of government is
that it could lead to political instability. After one political tradition has
dominated the politics of the country for a long time and the other political
tradition finds itself constantly in opposition no matter their campaign
efforts, they may resort to other unorthodox means to gain political power
which can lead to political instability.
Voters can be less analytical
In a country which practices a two-party system of
government, some of the electorates vote in a certain direction because most
supporters of the party are voting in that direction. The electorates do not
assess the various candidates based on their qualification, background, what
they have done in the past and whether when put in similar positions; they can
achieve same level of success. They just vote because the candidate has been
endorsed by the party. This does not allow electorates to critically analyze
the people put forward by their party.
Limitation of voter choices
Another disadvantage of a two-party system is that it limits
the scope of choice for the electorates. The system has a way of reducing
almost every issue to two unyielding camps. This way, other views are
completely relegated to the back bench. If there were more parties, more
alternatives would have been available for the voters to choose from. This
system also forces the supporters of the party to vote for any candidate that
emerges as the presidential candidate of their party whether they like him or

It discourages free-thinking
Also, a two-party system does not allow people to think
independently. In a de facto two-party system, where other smaller parties
exist, people consider a vote for a third party as a waste of votes especially
when the third–party fails to win any parliamentary seat or the presidential
slot. This does not encourage individuals to think independently.
Parliamentarian may lose their independence
In many two-party systems, there is strong party influence,
overseen by the party whip. It is a game of numbers so any loss of a party vote
could have serious repercussions. For this reason, parliamentarians have to be
whipped into line. They are not most of the time allowed to vote according to
their own assessment of issues and conscience. Under such a circumstance, the
parliamentarian tends to lose his independent thinking.
The advantages of a two-party system
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