Posted by Chester Morton / Monday, 1 October 2018 / No comments
Features of the ancient Berber civilization

The Berbers are native to North Africa though some of them
can be found in areas closer to sub-Saharan countries. In modern days, Berbers
can be found in Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Egypt. At the height of
the Berber civilization, certain distinctive features can be identified.
Agricultural development
One of the features of the Berber civilization was their
agriculture. The Berbers developed an advanced system of agricultural
production which contributed more than enough food to the kingdom. The
Berbers cultivated the plains of Cyrenaica with various kinds of crops like
wheat, cotton. With their skills in metal works, they were able to invent
farming implements which helped in the cultivation of their farms.
Trade and commerce
Another characteristic of the Berber civilization was their
engagement in trade and commerce. There were astute Berber merchants who
engaged in serious trading activities. They were active in the Trans-Saharan
trade, linking sub-Saharan Africa with Europe. Goods from Europe to Africa and
those from Africa to Europe did all not leave the Berber kingdoms; some were
distributed across a satellite of markets in the Berber kingdoms.

Berber architecture was a prominent feature of their
civilization. The Berbers extensively used mud bricks for their buildings.
Whole cities were built with mud-bricks. The architects designed the cities
to serve both as trading posts and as defense against attacks of enemies. The
materials which were used and the patterns used have become synonymous with
Berber architecture.
Monarchical system of government
The Berber kingdoms were monarchical in political structure. In other words ascension to the Berber throne was hereditary. The Berbers believed that the
king is a representative of the spirit powers and therefore nobody dared to
challenge their authority. The dynasty of king Massinissa for example, spanned
seven generations and all the kings replaced their father when they passed on.
The Berbers before the introduction of the concept of one God
through Islam believed in the existence of several gods. In other words, the
Berbers were polytheistic. Most of the Berber traditional beliefs were locally
developed though some were borrowed from the Greeks, the Jews and other
surrounding countries. One common god in Berber religion was the Greek god
Athene. The Berbers believed in the spirits of the dead and therefore consulted
them extensively.
Another feature of the Berber kingdoms was their extensive
use of diplomacy. They cultivated various diplomatic relationships with the
nations they interacted with, such as the Romans, Phoenicians, Carthaginians
and the Greeks. Some of these diplomatic ties were to enhance their trade but
others were for military purposes such as to keep their kings in power and to protect their kingdoms. With
diplomacy, they were able to acquire skills in viticulture and ceramics. For
example, the relationship between the king of Numidia and Rome sustained the
kingdom of Numidia for 50 years. Also, their diplomatic relation with Phoenicia
resulted in the development of their ceramic industry.
The factors that accounted for the rise of the Berber kingdoms
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