Posted by Chester Morton / Monday, 10 September 2018 / No comments
Six reasons why green parties cannot win elections in Africa

Ever since green politics emerged on the political seen in
the early 1970s as a reaction to the catastrophic levels to which the
environment was being degraded, many ecologically inclined groups of
individuals have crystallized themselves into thriving political parties. In
Europe and the Americas, many green oriented parties have chalked political
successes. In West Africa, however, the success of the green movement has not been
as remarkable.
Though green activities can be found in many West African
countries, only few of them can boast of a few seats in parliament every now
and then. The Greens of Benin won three seats out of 83 in the 2003 general elections.
Also in 2007, the Rally of the Ecologists of Senegal captured 1% of all popular
votes and won 1 seat out of the 150 member parliament. In Nigeria, a green is
yet to win a seat though a recent by-election in Bauchi State saw the Green
Party of Nigeria clocking 33, 099 placing third after the two major parties. The
question is whether green parties in West Africa can ever capture political power.
This article is postulating that in the foreseeable future, the green parties in
West African would not be able to take over the reins of political affairs in their
respective countries and many reasons account for this stance.
Austerity conditions of Breton Woods institutions
Many countries in West Africa which depend on the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have had to grapple with austerity
measures prescribed by these Breton Woods institutions as conditions for
granting loans and grants. As a result of the effects of these austerity
measures on the bulk of the people, they have become more concerned about their
immediate needs than issues concerning the negative effects of human activity
on the environment.
Policy benefits are far-fetched
A typical green policy on transport includes a drastic
reduction in the usage of private cars and the encouragement of public
transport. This is expected to reduce the emission of dangerous vehicular
exhaust fumes into the atmosphere since the traffic congestion is expected to
reduce. It is also expected that traffic noise would reduce, stress levels
would reduce and the quality of sleep would improve. Laudable as these may be,
the average man in West Africa is waiting for the day he can afford a car so he
can go for one. A green policy of this nature will certainly not appeal to him.
A large chunk of the populace may not appreciate how the quality of the
environment can positively affect life. The benefits are too far-fetched for them.
Perception of single-party issue
Many people all over the world still believe that green
politics revolves only around environmentalism. This is buttressed by the fact
that green movements aim at advocating for legislation that can help to
effectively fight pollution and protect the environment from excessive
exploitation. Few politicians believe they can develop comprehensive green
policies to fight the social, economic and political system as it is today and
be able to market it to win political power.

Non-readiness of electorates
The level of poverty in West Africa, for the majority of the
people is very high. In addition, many of the basic necessities of life are
lacking or are inadequate. For electorates in this kind of condition, the
issues of bread and butter and the provision of basic human needs are of more
concern than any concern about the environment and its safety.
Dominance of major political parties
In many of the West African countries, there are major
political parties with equal chances of taking over power. In most cases there
are just two major parties, hardly does a third force party gather enough
momentum to even ruffle the stranglehold of the traditional parties. The
chances of a green party whose policies may be initially strange to the
electorates come to power is next to zero. Even in advance democracies like in
Sweden, the Green Party which was founded in 1981 only now has 25 seats in
parliament after the 2014 elections. It was also in the same year that the
party was able to enter government after forming an alliance with the Leftist
Problem of funding
In many West African countries, there is no effective
enforcement of political parties funding laws, so business men and women are
able to fund political parties with the hope that when their preferred party
comes to power, they can recoup their ‘investment’ through juicy contracts.
Mostly, for these political financiers, their support is not based on getting a
party into power to make the country better for the majority of the people.
Their primary aim is to get richer, protect their business and expand their
empire, if possible. They may not be willing to support a green oriented party
since they are unlikely to win power in the immediate future.
For a green party to win any general elections in West
Africa, that is going to take a long time to achieve and that will take a lot
of hard work by committed people.
The major features of green politics
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