Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 9 May 2017 / No comments
The importance of the Nile River to ancient Egypt

The Nile River is an important river that spans several countries
in the east, central and North Africa. It passes through countries like Sudan,
Ethiopia, Uganda, Egypt etc. The Nile was very crucial to the economic and
social life of the Egyptians.
Provision of moist for farming activities
One of the reasons why the Nile was very important to Egypt
is the fact that it moistened their otherwise dry land to support agricultural
activity. One of the main features of the Nile was its perennial flooding of
its banks. Whenever there was flooding, it deposited silt on the banks which
moistened the top soil. This created the perfect condition for farming
Encouragement of ingenuity
Another important role of the Nile was its encouragement of
ingenuity. The banks of the Nile and most parts of ancient kingdom of Egypt
were dry lands. To be able to cultivate these lands, there was the need for
water which was far away. The ancient Egyptian developed a system of canals
which carried water from the river to the dry lands for farm activity. This
promoted agriculture throughout the entire kingdom.
Stimulated engineering
The presence of the Nile and the abundance of water in it
stimulated engineering. The ancient Egyptians invented a unique but very simple
technology, called shaduf that helped to pump water to the dry areas. The main
features of the machine were a bucket(s), a fixed pole and a pivot. As the
devise turned on its pivot, it alternately deep the bucket into the Nile to
fill it with water and empty it into a canal to be carried away to where it was
most needed.
It boosted commercial farming
The Nile was also important to Egypt because it encouraged
commercial farming. The annual flooding of the banks of the river, the
construction of canals and the invention of the shaduf allowed vast dry lands
to become arable for agriculture. More lands were cultivated, and more crops
were produced. The Egyptian government provided storage facilities where
surplus food was stored and later released into the market for sale and for
exports to other regions.
Water transportation
The Nile was important because it created the avenue for
water transportation. It allowed the carriage of goods and human beings across
from one end to the other. Boats and canoes were used in the ferrying of the
goods. In addition, there was the development of a boat building industry.
Great ships were built to support their export and import trading activities.
The Nile was also important to the ancient Egyptian because
it encouraged fishing. The people devised implements like the hook and line and
used them to fish in the Nile. The fishing was important because it provided
the fish protein needs of the people.
Protection against naval attacks
The Nile provided a means of protection for the kingdom of
Egypt from foreign attacks. They were able to build war ships which were used
in either repelling naval attacks from other nations or to launch naval attacks
on their enemies. The Nile was therefore useful for food production and for the
protection of the nation.
1. Outline six benefits that the ancient Egyptians derived
from the Nile river.
2. In which six ways was the Nile important to the ancient
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