Posted by Chester Morton / Friday, 29 July 2016 / No comments
The negative effects of the chieftaincy institution in Ghana

One of the negative effects of the chieftaincy institution is its penchant to create disunity among the people. Sometimes, there are disputing contestants to the seat who jostle for selection and appointment. These disputes create disunity. Chieftaincy disputes, sometimes degenerate into a full-blown war. An example of this is the Dagbon crises in Ghana some years ago.
Retards development
From the point earlier noted, one can see that where there is disunity, it is difficult
to use local resources for the development of the community. Again we can argue that another negative effect of chieftaincy in Ghana is that it slows down the development of the particular community.
Succession problems
In many cases, there are no procedures governing succession to
a stool or skin. This often allows many rival claimants to a stool or skin to
emerge as heirs to the same stool or skin. The result is protracted chieftaincy
disputes, some of which last a lifetime.
Can retard development
Where rival claims to the stool degenerate into conflicts or
protracted disputes, the peace is breached, the harmony and stability of the
community is disturbed. Rival claims to the stool can also hamper the
development of the community.
The institution is undemocratic
It is also a negative effect of chieftaincy for only the royal family to rule forever. This is undemocratic.
One of the tenets of democracy postulate that the people must have a say in whoever rules over
them but the people do not have the opportunity to elect the chiefs so that makes it undemocratic.
Lack of literacy and numeracy
negative effect of the chieftaincy is that since some of the chiefs are
not educated, it is difficult for them to give the required leadership
in matters relating to modern health, education, sanitation and other
basic services. It is also argued that in
this day and age of technological advancement, an uneducated chief can
be a disservice to the community he rules.
1. Explain five negative effects of chieftaincy on the
Ghanaian society.
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