Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 15 March 2016 / No comments
The functions of a modern government

Makes laws
Makes laws
It is the duty of the government
to make laws to regulate the behaviour of people in the country. These laws are
made by the legislature, one of the three arms of government.
Formulate and Implements policies
Another function of the
government is to formulate policies and implement them for the general
development of the state. This function is performed by the executive arm of
government headed by the head of government.
Administration of Justice
The function of the government is
to ensure that justice is dispensed in the country. This function is performed by
the third arm of government, which is the Judiciary. The judiciary is made up
of a hierarchy of courts.

Protection of Citizens
A government functions in such a way that it ensures the protection of its citizens. The citizen’s right to life, for example, is the responsibility of the government. This responsibility is carried out
on behalf of the government by the combined effort of two arms of government, the
Judiciary and the Executive. These two arms of government are represented by
the court system and police.
Provision of Social Amenities
The government provides social
amenities such as schools, hospitals, roads, potable water, electricity, public
toilet facilities, recreational facilities, housing, etc. This function is
carried out by government agencies but in recent times, some governments create
the enabling environment for some individuals to provide these amenities for
Conduct of External Relations
A country cannot live in
isolation. For this reason, governments establish external relationships with
other countries to inure to the mutual benefit of all. This relationship
promotes international peace. This
function is dedicated to the ministries of Foreign Affairs of the countries
1. a. Explain government as an
institution of state.
b. What five functions does a government as
an institution state perform?
2. Highlight six functions of
government as an institution of the state.
3. Outline six basic functions
performed by modern governments.
4. a. Outline three functions of
b. Identify the institutions that perform
these functions.
Why it is necessary to study government as a subject
The definition and features of liberal democracy
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Why it is necessary to study government as a subject
The definition and features of liberal democracy
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