Posted by Chester Morton / Thursday, 25 February 2016 / No comments
Fellowship among the members of the early church

On the day of Pentecost, three thousand new souls were added to the disciples. The events of the day of Pentecost put fear in many of the followers and many signs and wonders were performed by the disciples.
The followers continued in the
doctrines of the Apostles and fellowshipped together and breaking bread. They
were together and had everything in common.
Some sold their possessions and
brought the same to share with others as was needed. They met both in the Temple
and also in their houses where they broke bread. They were of one accord and
were happy.
They praise God and had favour
with all men and the Lord added to their number every day as and when souls were
They lived as a community of
people, no one said anything belonged to him or her, they all shared in the items
in common. The Apostles witnessed greatly to the people about the resurrection
of Jesus. None of them lacked anything.
Those who had lands or houses
sold them and brought the money to the Apostles. Those that had need of something
were given according to his needs. A man called Joses, whom the Apostles named
Barnabas sold his plot of land and brought the money to the Apostles.
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