Posted by Chester Morton / Thursday, 21 January 2016 / No comments
The call of Moses
At Midian, Moses became the keeper of his father-in-law, Jethro’s flock. On one occasion Moses led the flock toward mount Horeb. There, he encountered a strange site. There was a burning bush but the leaves were not being consumed. Moses tried to get closer and observe the site. The voice of God called and told him not to get near. The voice asked him to take off his sandals because where he was standing was a holy ground.
God instructed Moses to go back
to Egypt and deliver the Israelites from bondage. God said he had heard about
the afflictions of the Israelites and was ready to deliver them from their
bondage and take them to Canaan, a place He had promised to their fathers.
Initially, Moses did not think he
was qualified to go before Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out. God promised
to be with Moses and to help him.
Moses was hesitant. He said if he went to the people and they ask him the name of the God that sent him, what must he say? God told him to say it is “I AM THAT I AM” that sent him.
Further, Moses protested, saying, the people will not believe him. They will say no God has sent him. God now showed Moses two signs that he must show to the people to believe him. The first sign was that Moses should put his rod on the ground and when he did, the rod turned into a snake. He asked him to take it by the tail and it turned into a rod again. Secondly, God asked Moses to put his hand into his bosom and when he withdrew it, the hand turned leprous. God asked him to put it back and the leprosy was gone. God told Moses to repeat same before the people and if they did not believe him. He should fetch some water from the Nile and pour on the ground and it will turn bloody.

Moses continued to protest. He told God he was not eloquent. He complained that he was slow of speech. God promised to be with him and would teach him what to say.
Yet again, Moses asked God to send someone else. God became angry with Moses for asking him to send another. God told Moses that his brother, Aaron would be his mouthpiece.
Moses went back to seek permission from his employer and father-in-law, Jethro, to go back to Egypt. The permission was granted and Moses left the land of Midian, back to Egypt.
1. To know the name of something or somebody helps to gives a proper description of the person. Moses, in trying to know God’s name meant he wanted to be able to give a proper description of God to his fellow countrymen.
2. It is believed that the name
of a person reveals the character and personality of the person.
3. The narrative shows that God
is on the side of oppressed people.
4. It should be noted that where
the incident took place was a holy ground and sacred places must be approached
with respect.
5. It must be noted that in God’s
presence, reverence must be shown.OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS ON MOSES
Test One
1. Moses was
keeping the flock of his father-in-law on Mount
A. Gilboa.
B. Horeb.
C. Nebo.
D. Carmel.
2. The
Hebrew midwives refused to kill male children because
A. the
Hebrew women prevented them from doing so.
B. they
feared God.
C. they were
of the same blood with the Hebrew women.
D. they had
pity on them.
3. “Who made
you a prince and a judge over us?” This statement by the two Hebrews to Moses
signifies the
recognition of Moses’ divine authority by the Hebrews.
recognition of Pharaoh’s authority by the Hebrews.
C. rejection
of Moses’ leadership by his people.
D. rejection
of Moses’ as an Egyptian.
4. When
Pharaoh’s daughter saw Moses in the basket she immediately
A. sent for
a nurse for him.
B. called
him Moses.
C. had pity
on him.
D. called
her maids.
5. Which of
the following officials were charged by Pharaoh to kill the Hebrew male
A. Egyptian
B. Egyptian
task masters.
C. Hebrew
D. Hebrew
6. Moses run
away from Egypt because he
A. did not want
to be brought up in Egyptian circles.
B. could no
longer the famine in the land.
C. heard a
divine call.
D. feared
that the news of his act of murder would reach the king
7. Aaron
accompanied Moses to Pharaoh because
A. Aaron was
a Levite.
B. Aaron was
bolder than Moses.
C. Moses was
deficient in speech.
D. Moses
wanted Aaron to be him witness before Pharaoh.
8. Moses
experienced the burning bush that was not consumed at
A. Horeb.
B. Bethel.
C. Nebo.
D. Meriba.
9. When
Moses brought the people of Israel out to meet God on Mount Sinai, the Mount
was wrapped in smoke because
A. God
kindled a fire on it.
B. the
Israelites set up fire round about the Mount.
C. the Lord
descended upon it with fire.
D. there was
an earthquake on the Mount.
10. Who among
the following did God direct Moses to appoint as his successor?
A. Caleb.
B. Aaron.
C. Eleazar.
D. Joshua.
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